Knowledge Graph Completion Tutorial =================================== Introduction ------------ In this tutorial demo, we will use the Graph4NLP library to build a GNN-based knowledge graph completion model. The model consists of - graph embedding module (e.g., GGNN) - predictoin module (e.g., DistMult decoder) We will use the built-in Graph2Seq model APIs to build the model, and evaluate it on the Kinship dataset. The full example can be downloaded from `knowledge graph completion notebook `__ Environment setup ----------------- Create virtual environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - conda create –name g4l python=3.7 - conda activate g4l Install graph4nlp library via pip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ensure that at least PyTorch (>=1.6.0) is installed: .. code:: bash $ python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__)" >>> 1.6.0 Find the CUDA version PyTorch was installed with (for GPU users): .. code:: bash $ python -c "import torch; print(torch.version.cuda)" >>> 10.2 Install the relevant dependencies: ``torchtext`` is needed since Graph4NLP relies on it to implement embeddings. Please pay attention to the PyTorch requirements before installing ``torchtext`` with the following script! For detailed version matching please refer `here `__. .. code:: bash pip install torchtext # >=0.7.0 Install Graph4NLP .. code:: bash pip install graph4nlp${CUDA} where ``${CUDA}`` should be replaced by the specific CUDA version (``none`` (CPU version), ``"-cu92"``, ``"-cu101"``, ``"-cu102"``, ``"-cu110"``). The following table shows the concrete command lines. For CUDA 11.1 users, please refer to ``Installation via source code``. ========= =============================== Platform Command ========= =============================== CPU ``pip install graph4nlp`` CUDA 9.2 ``pip install graph4nlp-cu92`` CUDA 10.1 ``pip install graph4nlp-cu101`` CUDA 10.2 ``pip install graph4nlp-cu102`` CUDA 11.0 ``pip install graph4nlp-cu110`` ========= =============================== Installation for KGC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Run the preprocessing script for WN18RR and Kinship: ``sh kg_completion/`` - You can now run the model Import packages --------------- .. code:: python import argparse import os import numpy as np import torch import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn import torch.nn as nn from import DataLoader from graph4nlp.pytorch.datasets.kinship import KinshipDataset from graph4nlp.pytorch.modules.utils.config_utils import get_yaml_config from model import Complex, ConvE, Distmult, GCNComplex, GCNDistMult, GGNNDistMult np.set_printoptions(precision=3) cudnn.benchmark = True Build Model ----------- .. code:: python class KGC(nn.Module): def __init__(self, cfg, num_entities, num_relations): super(KGC, self).__init__() self.cfg = cfg self.num_entities = num_entities self.num_relations = num_relations if cfg["model"] is None: model = ConvE(argparse.Namespace(**cfg), num_entities, num_relations) elif cfg["model"] == "conve": model = ConvE(argparse.Namespace(**cfg), num_entities, num_relations) elif cfg["model"] == "distmult": model = Distmult(argparse.Namespace(**cfg), num_entities, num_relations) elif cfg["model"] == "complex": model = Complex(argparse.Namespace(**cfg), num_entities, num_relations) elif cfg["model"] == "ggnn_distmult": model = GGNNDistMult(argparse.Namespace(**cfg), num_entities, num_relations) elif cfg["model"] == "gcn_distmult": model = GCNDistMult(argparse.Namespace(**cfg), num_entities, num_relations) elif cfg["model"] == "gcn_complex": model = GCNComplex(argparse.Namespace(**cfg), num_entities, num_relations) else: raise Exception("Unknown model type!") self.model = model def init(self): return self.model.init() def forward(self, e1_tensor, rel_tensor, KG_graph): return self.model(e1_tensor, rel_tensor, KG_graph) def loss(self, pred, e2_multi): return self.model.loss(pred, e2_multi) def inference_forward(self, collate_data, KG_graph): e1_tensor = collate_data["e1_tensor"] rel_tensor = collate_data["rel_tensor"] if self.cfg["cuda"]: e1_tensor ="cuda") rel_tensor ="cuda") return self.model(e1_tensor, rel_tensor, KG_graph) def post_process(self, logits, e2=None): max_values, argsort1 = torch.sort(logits, 1, descending=True) rank1 = np.where(argsort1.cpu().numpy()[0] == e2[0, 0].item())[0][0] print("ground truth e2 rank = {}".format(rank1 + 1)) # argsort1 = argsort1.cpu().numpy() return argsort1[:, 0].item() Define Evaluation for KG Completion ----------------------------------- This part we follow the implementaion of `ConvE `_. .. code:: python def ranking_and_hits_this(cfg, model, dev_rank_batcher, vocab, name, kg_graph=None): print("") print("-" * 50) print(name) print("-" * 50) print("") hits_left = [] hits_right = [] hits = [] ranks = [] ranks_left = [] ranks_right = [] for _ in range(10): hits_left.append([]) hits_right.append([]) hits.append([]) for i, str2var in enumerate(dev_rank_batcher): e1 = str2var["e1_tensor"] e2 = str2var["e2_tensor"] rel = str2var["rel_tensor"] rel_reverse = str2var["rel_eval_tensor"] e2_multi1 = str2var["e2_multi1"].float() e2_multi2 = str2var["e2_multi2"].float() if cfg["cuda"]: e1 ="cuda") e2 ="cuda") rel ="cuda") rel_reverse ="cuda") e2_multi1 ="cuda") e2_multi2 ="cuda") pred1 = model(e1, rel, kg_graph) pred2 = model(e2, rel_reverse, kg_graph) pred1, pred2 =, e1, e2 =, e2_multi1, e2_multi2 =, for i in range(e1.shape[0]): # these filters contain ALL labels filter1 = e2_multi1[i].long() filter2 = e2_multi2[i].long() # save the prediction that is relevant target_value1 = pred1[i, e2[i, 0].item()].item() target_value2 = pred2[i, e1[i, 0].item()].item() # zero all known cases (this are not interesting) # this corresponds to the filtered setting pred1[i][filter1] = 0.0 pred2[i][filter2] = 0.0 # write base the saved values pred1[i][e2[i]] = target_value1 pred2[i][e1[i]] = target_value2 # sort and rank max_values, argsort1 = torch.sort(pred1, 1, descending=True) max_values, argsort2 = torch.sort(pred2, 1, descending=True) argsort1 = argsort1.cpu().numpy() argsort2 = argsort2.cpu().numpy() for i in range(e1.shape[0]): # find the rank of the target entities rank1 = np.where(argsort1[i] == e2[i, 0].item())[0][0] rank2 = np.where(argsort2[i] == e1[i, 0].item())[0][0] # rank+1, since the lowest rank is rank 1 not rank 0 ranks.append(rank1 + 1) ranks_left.append(rank1 + 1) ranks.append(rank2 + 1) ranks_right.append(rank2 + 1) # this could be done more elegantly, but here you go for hits_level in range(10): if rank1 <= hits_level: hits[hits_level].append(1.0) hits_left[hits_level].append(1.0) else: hits[hits_level].append(0.0) hits_left[hits_level].append(0.0) if rank2 <= hits_level: hits[hits_level].append(1.0) hits_right[hits_level].append(1.0) else: hits[hits_level].append(0.0) hits_right[hits_level].append(0.0) # dev_rank_batcher.state.loss = [0] for i in range(10): print("Hits left @{0}: {1}".format(i + 1, np.mean(hits_left[i]))) print("Hits right @{0}: {1}".format(i + 1, np.mean(hits_right[i]))) print("Hits @{0}: {1}".format(i + 1, np.mean(hits[i]))) print("Mean rank left: {0}".format(np.mean(ranks_left))) print("Mean rank right: {0}".format(np.mean(ranks_right))) print("Mean rank: {0}".format(np.mean(ranks))) print("Mean reciprocal rank left: {0}".format(np.mean(1.0 / np.array(ranks_left)))) print("Mean reciprocal rank right: {0}".format(np.mean(1.0 / np.array(ranks_right)))) print("Mean reciprocal rank: {0}".format(np.mean(1.0 / np.array(ranks)))) return np.mean(1.0 / np.array(ranks)) Define Main() ------------ Next, let’s build a main() function which will do a bunch of things including setting up dataset, dataloader, whole KG, model, optimizer, evaluation metrics, train/val/test loops, and so on. In particular, users need to set the ``preprocess`` field in config file to be ``True`` if they run the code for the first time to build the whole KG. Users can set ``resume`` field in config file to be ``True`` to load a pre-trained model. .. code:: python def main(cfg, model_path): dataset = KinshipDataset( root_dir="examples/pytorch/kg_completion/data/{}".format(cfg["dataset"]), topology_subdir="kgc", ) train_dataloader = DataLoader( dataset.train, batch_size=cfg["batch_size"], shuffle=True, num_workers=cfg['loader_threads'], collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, ) val_dataloader = DataLoader( dataset.val, batch_size=cfg["batch_size"], shuffle=False, num_workers=cfg['loader_threads'], collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, ) test_dataloader = DataLoader( dataset.test, batch_size=cfg["batch_size"], shuffle=False, num_workers=cfg['loader_threads'], collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, ) data = [] rows = [] columns = [] num_entities = len(dataset.vocab_model.in_word_vocab) num_relations = len(dataset.vocab_model.out_word_vocab) if cfg["preprocess"]: for i, str2var in enumerate(train_dataloader): print("batch number:", i) for j in range(str2var["e1"].shape[0]): for k in range(str2var["e2_multi1"][j].shape[0]): if str2var["e2_multi1"][j][k] != 0: data.append(str2var["rel"][j].tolist()[0]) rows.append(str2var["e1"][j].tolist()[0]) columns.append(str2var["e2_multi1"][j][k].tolist()) else: break from import GraphData KG_graph = GraphData() KG_graph.add_nodes(num_entities) for e1, rel, e2 in zip(rows, data, columns): KG_graph.add_edge(e1, e2) eid = KG_graph.edge_ids(e1, e2)[0] KG_graph.edge_attributes[eid]["token"] = rel KG_graph, "examples/pytorch/kg_completion/data/{}/processed/kgc/".format( cfg["dataset"] ), ) else: graph_path = "examples/pytorch/kg_completion/data/{}/processed/kgc/" "".format( cfg["dataset"] ) KG_graph = torch.load(graph_path) if cfg["cuda"] is True: KG_graph ="cuda") else: KG_graph ="cpu") model = KGC(cfg, num_entities, num_relations) if cfg["cuda"] is True:"cuda") if cfg["resume"]: model_params = torch.load(model_path) print(model) total_param_size = [] params = [(key, value.size(), value.numel()) for key, value in model_params.items()] for key, size, count in params: total_param_size.append(count) print(key, size, count) print(np.array(total_param_size).sum()) model.load_state_dict(model_params) model.eval() ranking_and_hits_this( cfg, model, test_dataloader, dataset.vocab_model, "test_evaluation", kg_graph=KG_graph ) ranking_and_hits_this( cfg, model, val_dataloader, dataset.vocab_model, "dev_evaluation", kg_graph=KG_graph ) else: model.init() best_mrr = 0 opt = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=cfg["lr"], weight_decay=cfg["l2"]) for epoch in range(cfg["epochs"]): model.train() for str2var in train_dataloader: opt.zero_grad() e1_tensor = str2var["e1_tensor"] rel_tensor = str2var["rel_tensor"] e2_multi = str2var["e2_multi1_binary"].float() if cfg["cuda"]: e1_tensor ="cuda") rel_tensor ="cuda") e2_multi ="cuda") # label smoothing e2_multi = ((1.0 - cfg["label_smoothing"]) * e2_multi) + (1.0 / e2_multi.size(1)) pred = model(e1_tensor, rel_tensor, KG_graph) loss = model.loss(pred, e2_multi) loss.backward() opt.step() # train_batcher.state.loss = loss.cpu() model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): if epoch % 2 == 0 and epoch > 0: dev_mrr = ranking_and_hits_this( cfg, model, val_dataloader, dataset.vocab_model, "dev_evaluation", kg_graph=KG_graph, ) if dev_mrr > best_mrr: best_mrr = dev_mrr print("saving best model to {0}".format(model_path)), model_path) if epoch % 2 == 0: if epoch > 0: ranking_and_hits_this( cfg, model, test_dataloader, dataset.vocab_model, "test_evaluation", kg_graph=KG_graph, ) Run the model ------------- .. code:: python cfg = get_args() task_args = get_yaml_config(cfg["task_config"]) task_args["cuda"] = True model_name = "{2}_{3}_{0}_{1}".format( task_args["input_drop"], task_args["hidden_drop"], task_args["model"], task_args["direction_option"] ) model_path = "examples/pytorch/kg_completion/saved_models/{0}_{1}.model".format( task_args["dataset"], model_name ) torch.manual_seed(task_args["seed"]) main(task_args, model_path) Results on kinship ------------------ .. list-table:: BCELoss+GGNNDistmult :widths: 25 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - Metrics - uni - bi_fuse - bi_sep * - Hits @1 - 40.4 - 39.4 - 38.2 * - Hits @10 - 88.3 - 88.8 - 88.9 * - MRR - 54.9 - 54.8 - 53.4