Dependency Graph Construction

The dependency graph is widely used to capture the dependency relations between different objects in the given sentences. Formally, given a paragraph, one can obtain the dependency parsing tree (e.g., syntactic dependency tree or semantic dependency parsing tree) by using various NLP parsing tools (e.g., Stanford CoreNLP). Then one may extract the dependency relations from the dependency parsing tree and convert them into a dependency graph.

More concretely, we devide the process into several steps:

  1. Parsing. It will parse the input paragraph into list of sentences. Then for each sentence, we will parse the dependency relations.

  2. Sub-graph construction. We will construct subgraph for each sentence.

  3. Graph merging. We will merge sub-graphs into one big graph.

def topology(cls, raw_text_data, nlp_processor, processor_args, merge_strategy, edge_strategy, sequential_link=True,
    # 1) Parsing
    parsed_results = cls.parsing(raw_text_data=raw_text_data, nlp_processor=nlp_processor,

    # 2) Sub-graphs construction.
    sub_graphs = []
    for sent_id, parsed_sent in enumerate(parsed_results):
        graph = cls._construct_static_graph(parsed_sent, edge_strategy=edge_strategy,
    # 3) Graph merging.
    joint_graph = cls._graph_connect(sub_graphs, merge_strategy)
    return joint_graph

How to use

For example, we can construct the dependency graph given a raw textual input:

from graph4nlp.pytorch.modules.graph_construction.dependency_graph_construction import DependencyBasedGraphConstruction
from stanfordcorenlp import StanfordCoreNLP

raw_data = "James went to the corner-shop."

nlp_parser = StanfordCoreNLP('http://localhost', port=9000, timeout=300000)

processor_args = {
    'annotators': 'ssplit,tokenize,depparse',
    "tokenize.whitespace": True,
    'ssplit.isOneSentence': True,
    'outputFormat': 'json'

graphdata = DependencyBasedGraphConstruction.topology(raw_data, nlp_parser, processor_args=processor_args, merge_strategy=None,

The specific details


The parsing function first parses the input paragraph into list of sentences. Then for each sentence, we will parse it into dict containing:

  1. node_num indicating the number of nodes.

  2. node_content. It is a list of dicts. Each dict is a node.

  3. graph_content. It is a list of dicts. Each dict is a dependency relation between the source and target nodes.

Sub-graph construction

In this step, we constrcut sub-graph given parsed sentence results in the previous step controlled by edge_strategy and sequential_link.

We first add the nodes to the graph.

ret_graph = GraphData()
node_objects = parsed_object["node_content"]
for node in node_objects:
    ret_graph.node_attributes[node['id']]['type'] = 0
    ret_graph.node_attributes[node['id']]['token'] = node['token']
    ret_graph.node_attributes[node['id']]['position_id'] = node['position_id']
    ret_graph.node_attributes[node['id']]['sentence_id'] = node['sentence_id']
    ret_graph.node_attributes[node['id']]['head'] = False
    ret_graph.node_attributes[node['id']]['tail'] = False

Then we will add edges according to the dependency relations. There are various dependency relations for dependency graph nodes. According to the need for down-tasks, we provide several options for: 1. homogeneous graph, 2. heterogeneous graph. Specifically, for heterogeneous graphs, we support not only various graph edge types but also support bipartite graphs, which regarding the edges as special nodes:

  1. homogeneous. It means we will drop the edge type information and only preserve the connectivity information.

  2. heterogeneous. It means we will preserve the edge type information in the final GraphData. Note that they are stored in the edge_attributes with token key.

  3. as_node. We will view each edge as a graph node and construct the bipartite graph. For example, if there is an edge whose type is \(k\) between node \(i\) and node \(j\), we will insert a node \(k\) into the graph and link node \((i, k)\) and \((k, j)\).

for dep_info in parsed_object["graph_content"]:
    if edge_strategy is None or edge_strategy == "homogeneous":
        ret_graph.add_edge(dep_info["src"], dep_info['tgt']) # Node edge type, only connectivity information.
    elif edge_strategy == "heterogeneous":
        ret_graph.add_edge(dep_info["src"], dep_info['tgt'])
        edge_idx = ret_graph.edge_ids(dep_info["src"], dep_info['tgt'])[0]
        ret_graph.edge_attributes[edge_idx]["token"] = dep_info["edge_type"] # The node types are stored.
    elif edge_strategy == "as_node":
        # insert a node
        node_idx = ret_graph.get_node_num()
        ret_graph.node_attributes[node_idx]['type'] = 3  # 3 for edge node
        ret_graph.node_attributes[node_idx]['token'] = dep_info['edge_type']
        ret_graph.node_attributes[node_idx]['position_id'] = None
        ret_graph.node_attributes[node_idx]['head'] = False
        ret_graph.node_attributes[node_idx]['tail'] = False
        # add edge infos
        ret_graph.add_edge(dep_info['src'], node_idx)
        ret_graph.add_edge(node_idx, dep_info['tgt'])
        raise NotImplementedError()

In addition, the sequential relation encodes the adjacent relation of the elements in the original paragraph. Specifically, for dependency graph constructing, we define the sequential relation set \(\mathcal{R}_{seq} \subseteq \mathcal{V} \times \mathcal{V}\), where \(\mathcal{V}\) is the basic element (i.e., word) set. For each sequential relation \((w_i, w_{i+1}) \in \mathcal{R}_{seq}\), it means \(w_i\) is adjacent to \(w_{i+1}\) in the given paragraph.

Users can set sequential_link to True to enable this feature.

Graph merging

Since the dependency graph is only constructed for sentences individually, we provide options to construct one graph for the paragraph consisting of multiple sentences. Currently, we support the following options:

  1. tailhead. It means we will link the tail node of \({i-1}^{th}\) sentence’s graph with the head node of \(i^{th}\) sentence’s graph.

  2. user_define. We suggest users to define their merge strategy by overriding the _graph_connect as follows:

from graph4nlp.pytorch.modules.graph_construction.dependency_graph_construction import DependencyBasedGraphConstruction

class NewDependencyGraphConstruction(DependencyBasedGraphConstruction):
    def _graph_connect(cls, nx_graph_list, merge_strategy=None):