Manipulating GraphData

After constructing a GraphData instance and adding several nodes and edges to it, the next job is to attach some useful information to it for further processing. In GraphData, there are two types of information related to the nodes and edges, namely features and attributes.


Features are PyTorch tensors designated for each node or edge. To access features, users may call GraphData.nodes[node_index].features or GraphData.edges[index].features. These methods return the features of the specified nodes or edges in a dictionary representation, where the keys are the names of the feature and the values are the corresponding tensors. Alternatively, if the user wants to access features from the whole-graph level, the GraphData.node_features and GraphData.edge_features interfaces do the exact job.

g = GraphData()

# Note that the first dimension of features represent the number of instances(nodes/edges).
# Any manipulation to the features should keep the match between the number of instances and the dimension size
# An invalid example
g.node_features['node_feat'] = torch.randn((9, 10))
>>> raise SizeMisatchError

g.node_features['node_feat'] = torch.randn((10, 10))
g.node_features['zero'] = torch.zeros(10)
g.node_features['idx'] = torch.tensor(list(range(10)), dtype=torch.long)
>>> {'node_feat': tensor([[-2.2053, -0.9236, -0.4437, -0.7142,  1.5309, -1.5863,  0.6002, -0.6847,
      1.3772,  0.1066],
    [ 0.8875,  1.7674, -0.0354, -0.7681, -2.6256, -1.3399, -2.3798, -0.7418,
      1.2901,  0.6641],
    [-1.5530,  0.9147,  0.0618, -0.0879,  1.0005,  1.2638, -1.4481,  1.2975,
     -0.0304,  0.8707],
    [-0.3448, -0.7484, -1.0194, -0.5096, -0.2596,  0.1056,  1.1560,  0.3463,
     -0.1986,  0.9243],
    [-0.3555, -0.7062, -1.0459,  0.1305, -0.1338,  1.2952,  1.2923, -0.5740,
     -0.5492, -0.2497],
    [-0.7125,  1.2456, -0.2136,  0.8562,  1.8037, -0.0379, -1.6863,  1.2693,
     -0.1980, -0.3153],
    [ 0.4099, -0.8295,  0.6984,  0.4125, -0.8396,  1.8205, -1.1458, -0.0837,
     -0.2388,  0.0552],
    [-1.4068, -1.9334, -0.0367, -1.3297,  1.0705, -0.5606, -0.0458,  0.1358,
      1.3042, -0.8282],
    [ 0.7764,  0.1442,  1.6043,  0.1052,  1.4648, -2.1791,  0.6740,  0.2858,
      0.0482,  0.9058],
    [-1.5054,  0.8992,  0.0893, -1.2325,  0.8888, -1.2222,  2.0569,  0.0218,
      1.5519, -0.8234]]),
    'node_emb': None,
    'zero': tensor([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
    'idx': tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])}

Note that there are some reserved keys for features, which are initialized to be None. In node features the reserved keys are node_feat and node_emb. In edge features the reserved keys are edge_feat, edge_emb and edge_weight. Users are encouraged to use these keys as common feature names. This means that the feature dictionary of an empty graph will have these items with the corresponding values being None.

Another thing to notice is that when adding new nodes or edges to a graph whose features are already set(the value is not None), zero padding will be performed on the newly added instances.

g.node_features     # Zero padding is performed
>>> {'node_feat': tensor([[-2.2053, -0.9236, -0.4437, -0.7142,  1.5309, -1.5863,  0.6002, -0.6847,
      1.3772,  0.1066],
    [ 0.8875,  1.7674, -0.0354, -0.7681, -2.6256, -1.3399, -2.3798, -0.7418,
      1.2901,  0.6641],
    [-1.5530,  0.9147,  0.0618, -0.0879,  1.0005,  1.2638, -1.4481,  1.2975,
     -0.0304,  0.8707],
    [-0.3448, -0.7484, -1.0194, -0.5096, -0.2596,  0.1056,  1.1560,  0.3463,
     -0.1986,  0.9243],
    [-0.3555, -0.7062, -1.0459,  0.1305, -0.1338,  1.2952,  1.2923, -0.5740,
     -0.5492, -0.2497],
    [-0.7125,  1.2456, -0.2136,  0.8562,  1.8037, -0.0379, -1.6863,  1.2693,
     -0.1980, -0.3153],
    [ 0.4099, -0.8295,  0.6984,  0.4125, -0.8396,  1.8205, -1.1458, -0.0837,
     -0.2388,  0.0552],
    [-1.4068, -1.9334, -0.0367, -1.3297,  1.0705, -0.5606, -0.0458,  0.1358,
      1.3042, -0.8282],
    [ 0.7764,  0.1442,  1.6043,  0.1052,  1.4648, -2.1791,  0.6740,  0.2858,
      0.0482,  0.9058],
    [-1.5054,  0.8992,  0.0893, -1.2325,  0.8888, -1.2222,  2.0569,  0.0218,
      1.5519, -0.8234],
    [ 0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000,
      0.0000,  0.0000]]),
    'node_emb': None,
    'zero': tensor([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
    'idx': tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0])}


Another important attached information is attribute. Like features, attribute is related to each node/edge instance and is basically a list of dictionaries. The list index corresponds to the node/edge index and the dictionary at each position stands for the corresponding attributes of that instance. Essentially, attribute is designed to make up for the limit of features in storing arbitrary objects. The reserved keys are node_attr for node attributes and edge_attr for edge attributes.

g = GraphData()
g.add_nodes(2)  # Add 2 nodes to an empty graph
>>> [{'node_attr': None}, {'node_attr': None}]
g.node_attributes[1]['node_attr'] = 'hello'
>>> [{'node_attr': None}, {'node_attr': 'hello'}]

Features vs. Attributes

To make it clear, in this subsection we compare the differences between features and attributes in order for users to better utilize them.

  1. Types of storage

features store only the numerical feature objects. In current version these data are PyTorch tensors. The shape of these tensor data should be consistent with the number of nodes/edges in the graph. Specifically, the first dimension of the tensor data corresponds to the number of instances. For example, in a graph with 10 nodes and 20 edges, the shape of any node feature tensor should be [10, *] and [20, *] for any edge feature.

On the other hand, attributes store arbitrary type of data. The data can be of any type and do not necessarily need to have a shape.

  1. Order of access

Both features and attributes have two levels of keys: names and indices. features are implemented as a dictionary where the keys are strings and values are tensors. Therefore, the first level of key is the feature names. In this way, the second level of keys are just direct access to the corresponding PyTorch tensors.

On the other hand, attributes are implemented as a list of dictionaries, where the list indices are the node indices. Therefore, when accessing attributes, users should use the index first.