Chapter 5.1 Standard RNN Decoder

There are various solutions for translating the graph based data to sequential outputs, such as RNN based and transformer based decoding. However, in this section, we focus on the RNN based decoding mechanism. Similar to most sequence-to-sequence decoder, the graph based StdRNNDecoder adopts the attention mechanism to learn the soft alignment between the input graphs and the sequential outputs.

Specifically, we give a simple example on how StdRNNDecoder is initialized as follows,

from import JobsDataset
from graph4nlp.pytorch.modules.graph_construction.dependency_graph_construction import DependencyBasedGraphConstruction
from graph4nlp.pytorch.modules.config import get_basic_args
from graph4nlp.pytorch.models.graph2seq import Graph2Seq
from graph4nlp.pytorch.modules.utils.config_utils import update_values, get_yaml_config

# define your vocab_model

dec_word_emb = WordEmbedding(vocab_model.out_word_vocab.embeddings.shape[0],

attention_type = "uniform"

seq_decoder = StdRNNDecoder(rnn_type="lstm", max_decoder_step=50,
                            attention_type=attention_type, fuse_strategy="average",
                            use_coverage=False, use_copy=False,
                            input_size=1024, hidden_size=1024, rnn_emb_input_size=1024,
                            word_emb=dec_word_emb, vocab=vocab_model.out_word_vocab)

# g is the output of encoder, tgt is the ground truth sequence
predicted = seq_decoder(batch_graph=batch_graph, tgt_seq=tgt_seq)

Some advanced mechanisms

Copy and coverage

To further enhance the performance, we also implement the copy and coverage mechanism.

For copy mechanism, it helps model to copy words directly from the source sequence, and computed as, \(p(w) = p_{gen} p_{softmax}(w) + (1 - p_{gen}) p_{copy}(w)\). We refer to the implement of pointer-network. Technically, for a certain mini-batch graphdata, we extend the original vocabulary to a full-vocabulary containing all words (including out-of-vocabulary (oov) words) in the mini-batch:

# First pick out all out-of-vocabulary (oov) words in the mini-batch graphdata.
token_matrix = batch_graph.node_features["token_id"].squeeze(1)
unk_index = (token_matrix == oov_dict.UNK).nonzero(as_tuple=False).squeeze(1).detach().cpu().numpy()
unk_token = [batch_graph.node_attributes[index]["token"] for index in unk_index]

# Second build the oov vocabulary.
oov_dict = copy.deepcopy(vocab.in_word_vocab)
token_matrix_oov = token_matrix.clone()
for idx in unk_index:
    unk_token = batch_graph.node_attributes[idx]["token"]
    token_matrix_oov[idx] = oov_dict.getIndex(unk_token)
batch_graph.node_features["token_id_oov"] = token_matrix_oov

Users can refer to the API prepare_ext_vocab. After that, the decoder learns the conditional probability of an output sequence with elements that are discrete tokens corresponding to positions in an input sequence. Code snippets as follows help with how it works.

if self.use_copy:
    pgen_collect = [dec_emb, hidden, attn_ptr]

    # the probability of copying a word from the source
    prob_ptr = torch.sigmoid(self.ptr(, -1)))

    # the probability of generating a word over the standard softmax on vocabulary model.
    prob_gen = 1 - prob_ptr
    gen_output = torch.softmax(decoder_output, dim=-1)

    ret = prob_gen * gen_output
    need_pad_length = oov_dict.get_vocab_size() - self.vocab.get_vocab_size()
    output =, ret.new_zeros((batch_size, need_pad_length))), dim=1)

    # attention scores
    ptr_output = dec_attn_scores
    output.scatter_add_(1, src_seq, prob_ptr * ptr_output)
    decoder_output = output
    decoder_output = torch.softmax(decoder_output, dim=-1)

The returned decoder_output is a distribution over the extend dictionary oov_dict if copy is adopted. Users can set use_copy to True to use this feature. And the oov vocabulary must be passed when utilizing it.

As for the coverage mechanism, we refer to the paper: Modeling Coverage for Neural Machine Translation. Compared to the original attention that ignore the past alignment history information, we maintain a coverage vector to keep trace of that. As a result, it usually prevents the generated words and focuses on more about un-predicted words. Users can easily use this feature by setting use_coverage to True. Note that an additional coverage loss should be included when conducting backward propagating:

_, enc_attn_weights, coverage_vectors = Graph2Seq(graph, tgt)

target_length = len(enc_attn_weights)
loss = 0
for i in range(target_length):
    if coverage_vectors[i] is not None:
        coverage_loss = torch.sum(
            torch.min(coverage_vectors[i], enc_attn_weights[i])) / coverage_vectors[-1].shape[0] * self.cover_loss
        loss += coverage_loss
coverage_loss = loss / target_length

Users can use the CoverageLoss or Graph2SeqLoss (including both CoverageLoss and NLLLoss) to conduct this process.

Separate attention

And different from most sequence-to-sequence decoder, our StdRNNDecoder designs both separate attention and uniform attention for sequential encoder’s outputs \(\mathbf{S}\) and graph encoder’s outputs \(\mathcal{G}(\mathcal{V}, \mathcal{E})\), respectively:

  1. Uniform attention: It means the decoder only attends on the graph encoder’s output \(\mathcal{G}(\mathcal{V}, \mathcal{E})\). Note that we only support attending on node features and leaving the edges for future. Technically, it regard the nodes as tokens and apply attention on them to calculate the output vector. Users can set attention_type to uniform to use this feature.

  2. Separate attention: There are two kinds of separate attention in this implement: a) attends on sequential encoder’s outputs and graph encoder’s outputs separately, b) attends on the graph’s nodes separately.

  • 2.1 Case a): The decoder first attends on \(\mathbf{S}\) and \(\mathcal{G}(\mathcal{V}, \mathcal{E})\) separately. Then it fuse the obtained attention results into one single vector to generate next token. Users can set attention_type to sep_diff_encoder_type to use this feature.

  • 2.2 Case b): This feature is designed for heterogeneous graphs. Firstly, the decoder will group the nodes by their node types. Secondly, the decoder will attends on each group separately to obtain the vector representations. Finally, it will fuses the obtained vectors into one single vector. Users can set attention_type to sep_diff_node_type to use this feature. Specifically, node_type_num should be the amount of node types.