Graph Attention Networks

The Graph Attention Network (GAT) aims to learn edge weights for the input binary adjacency matrix by introducing the multi-head attention mechanism to the GNN architecture when performing message passing. We provide high level APIs to users to easily define a multi-layer GAT model. Besides, we support both regular GAT and bidirectional versions including GAT-BiSep and GAT-BiFuse. The math operation of GAT is represented as below:

\[h_i^{(l+1)} = \sum_{j\in \mathcal{N}(i)} \alpha_{i,j} W^{(l)} h_j^{(l)}\]

where \(\alpha_{ij}\) is the attention score bewteen node \(i\) and node \(j\).

Where the attention matrix is computed as below:

\[\begin{split}\alpha_{ij}^{l} = \mathrm{softmax_i} (e_{ij}^{l})\\ e_{ij}^{l} = \mathrm{LeakyReLU}\left(\vec{a}^T [W h_{i} \| W h_{j}]\right)\end{split}\]

GAT Module Construction Function

The construction function performs the following steps:

  1. Set options.

  2. Register learnable parameters or submodules (GATLayer).

class GAT(GNNBase):
    def __init__(self, num_layers, input_size, hidden_size, output_size, heads,
        direction_option='bi_sep', feat_drop=0., attn_drop=0., negative_slope=0.2,
        residual=False, activation=None, allow_zero_in_degree=False):
        super(GAT, self).__init__()
        self.num_layers = num_layers
        self.direction_option = direction_option
        self.gat_layers = nn.ModuleList()
        assert self.num_layers > 0
        if isinstance(hidden_size, int):
            hidden_size = [hidden_size] * (self.num_layers - 1)

        if isinstance(heads, int):
            heads = [heads] * self.num_layers

        if self.num_layers > 1:
            # input projection
            self.gat_layers.append(GATLayer(input_size, hidden_size[0], heads[0],
                                    feat_drop=feat_drop, attn_drop=attn_drop,
                                    negative_slope=negative_slope, residual=residual,
                                    activation=activation, allow_zero_in_degree=allow_zero_in_degree))

        # hidden layers
        for l in range(1, self.num_layers - 1):
            # due to multi-head, the input_size = hidden_size * num_heads
            self.gat_layers.append(GATLayer(hidden_size[l - 1] * heads[l - 1], hidden_size[l],
                                        heads[l], direction_option=self.direction_option,
                                        feat_drop=feat_drop, attn_drop=attn_drop,
                                        negative_slope=negative_slope, residual=residual,
                                        activation=activation, allow_zero_in_degree=allow_zero_in_degree))
        # output projection
        self.gat_layers.append(GATLayer(hidden_size[-1] * heads[-2] if self.num_layers > 1 else input_size,
                                    output_size, heads[-1], direction_option=self.direction_option,
                                    feat_drop=feat_drop, attn_drop=attn_drop, negative_slope=negative_slope,
                                    residual=residual, activation=None, allow_zero_in_degree=allow_zero_in_degree))

In construction function, one first needs to set the number of GAT layers and the data dimensions (i.e., input_size, hidden_size, output_size). For GAT, heads is also an important parameter. One should also specify direction_option which determines whether to use unidirectional (i.e., undirected) or bidirectional (i.e., bi_sep and bi_fuse) version of GAT.

GAT Module Forward Function

In NN module, forward() function does the actual message passing and computation. forward() takes a parameter GraphData as input. The updated node embedding will be stored back into the node field node_emb of GraphData and the final output is the GraphData.

def forward(self, graph):
    feat = graph.node_features['node_feat']
    dgl_graph = graph.to_dgl()

    if self.direction_option == 'bi_sep':
        h = [feat, feat]
        h = feat

    for l in range(self.num_layers - 1):
        h = self.gat_layers[l](dgl_graph, h)
        if self.direction_option == 'bi_sep':
            h = [each.flatten(1) for each in h]
            h = h.flatten(1)

    # output projection
    logits = self.gat_layers[-1](dgl_graph, h)

    if self.direction_option == 'bi_sep':
        logits = [each.mean(1) for each in logits]
        logits =, -1)
        logits = logits.mean(1)

    graph.node_features['node_emb'] = logits

    return graph

GATLayer Construction Function

To make the utilization of GAT more felxbible, we also provide the low-level implementation of GAT layer. Similarly to high-level API, users can specify direction_option which determines whether to use unidirectional (i.e., undirected) or bidirectional (i.e., bi_sep and bi_fuse) GAT.

class GATLayer(GNNLayerBase):
    def __init__(self, input_size, output_size, num_heads, direction_option='bi_sep', feat_drop=0.,
        attn_drop=0., negative_slope=0.2, residual=False, activation=None, allow_zero_in_degree=False):
    super(GATLayer, self).__init__()
    if num_heads >  1 and residual:
        residual = False
        import warnings
        warnings.warn("The residual option must be False when num_heads > 1")
    if direction_option == 'undirected':
        self.model = UndirectedGATLayerConv(input_size, output_size, num_heads, feat_drop=feat_drop,
                            attn_drop=attn_drop, negative_slope=negative_slope, residual=residual,
                            activation=activation, allow_zero_in_degree=allow_zero_in_degree)
    elif direction_option == 'bi_sep':
        self.model = BiSepGATLayerConv(input_size, output_size, num_heads, feat_drop=feat_drop,
                            attn_drop=attn_drop, negative_slope=negative_slope, residual=residual,
                            activation=activation, allow_zero_in_degree=allow_zero_in_degree)
    elif direction_option == 'bi_fuse':
        self.model = BiFuseGATLayerConv(input_size, output_size, num_heads, feat_drop=feat_drop,
                            attn_drop=attn_drop, negative_slope=negative_slope, residual=residual,
                            activation=activation, allow_zero_in_degree=allow_zero_in_degree)
        raise RuntimeError('Unknown `direction_option` value: {}'.format(direction_option))