GraphSAGE (GraphSAGE) is a framework for inductive representation learning on large graphs. GraphSAGE is used to generate low-dimensional vector representations for nodes, and is especially useful for graphs that have rich node attribute information. The math operation of GraphSAGE is represented as below:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}h_{\mathcal{N}(i)}^{(l+1)} = \mathrm{aggregate}\left(\{h_{j}^{l}, \forall j \in \mathcal{N}(i) \}\right)\\h_{i}^{(l+1)} = \sigma \left(W \cdot \mathrm{concat}(h_{i}^{l}, h_{\mathcal{N}(i)}^{l+1} + b) \right)\\h_{i}^{(l+1)} = \mathrm{norm}(h_{i}^{l})\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

We provide high level APIs to users to easily define a multi-layer GraphSage model. Besides, we also support both regular GraphSAGE and bidirectional versions including GraphSAGE-BiSep and GraphSAGE BiFuse.

GraphSAGE Module Construction Function

The construction function performs the following steps:

  1. Set options.

  2. Register learnable parameters or submodules (GraphSAGELayer).

class GraphSAGE(GNNBase):
    def __init__(self, num_layers, input_size, hidden_size, output_size, aggregator_type, direction_option='undirected', feat_drop=0., bias=True, norm=None, activation=None, use_edge_weight=False):
   super(GraphSAGE, self).__init__()
   self.num_layers = num_layers
   self.direction_option = direction_option
   self.GraphSAGE_layers = nn.ModuleList()

Users can select the number of layers in the GraphSAGE module. If num_layers is larger Than 1, then hidden_size should be a list of int values. Based on the values of num_layers, we construct the module as


if self.num_layers>1:
    # input projection

If num_layers is larger than 1, while the hidden_size is an int format value, we assume that all the hidden layers have the same size as


for l in range(1, self.num_layers - 1):
    # due to multi-head, the input_size = hidden_size * num_heads
    self.GraphSAGE_layers.append(GraphSAGELayer(hidden_size[l - 1],

GraphSAGE Module Forward Function

In NN module, forward() function does the actual message passing and computation. forward() takes a parameter GraphData as input.

The rest of the section takes a deep dive into the forward() function.

We first need to obatin the input graph node features and convert the GraphData to dgl.DGLGraph. Then, we need to determine whether to expand feat according to self.use_edge_weight and whether to use edge weight according to self.direction_option.

h=graph.node_features['node_feat'] #get the node feature tensor from graph
g = graph.to_dgl() #transfer the current NLPgraph to DGL graph

if self.use_edge_weight==True:
    edge_weight = graph.edge_features['edge_weight']
    reverse_edge_weight = graph.edge_features['reverse_edge_weight']

Then we call the low-level GraphSAGE layer to complete the message passing operation. The updated node embedding will be stored back into the node field node_emb of GraphData and the final output is the GraphData.

if self.num_layers>1:
  for l in range(0,self.num_layers - 1):
      h = self.GraphSAGE_layers[l](g, h, edge_weight,reverse_edge_weight)

logits = self.GraphSAGE_layers[-1](g, h, edge_weight,reverse_edge_weight)

if self.direction_option == 'bi_sep':
    logits =, -1)
    logits = logits

graph.node_features['node_emb']=logits #put the results into the NLPGraph

GraphSAGELayer Construction Function

To make the utilization of GraphSAGE more felxbible, we also provide the low-level implementation of GraphSAGE layer. Below is how to define the GraphSAGELayer API.

class GraphSAGELayer(GNNLayerBase):
    def __init__(self, input_size, output_size, aggregator_type, direction_option='undirected', feat_drop=0., bias=True, norm=None, activation=None):
    super(GraphSAGELayer, self).__init__()

Consider we have three options for direction of embeddings, next step is to select the direction type based on direct_option. We take the undirected as an example.

if direction_option == 'undirected':
    self.model = UndirectedGraphSAGELayerConv(input_size,

GraphSAGELayer Forward Function

After define a GraphSAGE layer, we can use it to get the node embedding for the input graph. The generated embedding is the output of this layer, as shown in the below example:

def forward(self, graph, feat, edge_weight=None,reverse_edge_weight=None):
    return self.model(graph, feat, edge_weight,reverse_edge_weight)

GraphSAGELayerConv Construction Function

Then let us dive deep to see how the message passing of GraphSAGELayerConv for different direction options are implemented. As an example, we introduce the details of the UndirectedGraphSAGELayerConv. The construction function performs the following steps:

  1. Set options.

  2. Register learnable parameters.

  3. Reset parameters.

def __init__(self, in_feats, out_feats, aggregator_type, feat_drop=0., bias=True, norm=None, activation=None):
    super(UndirectedGraphSAGELayerConv, self).__init__()

    self._in_src_feats, self._in_dst_feats = expand_as_pair(in_feats)
    self._out_feats = out_feats
    self._aggre_type = aggregator_type
    self.norm = norm
    self.feat_drop = nn.Dropout(feat_drop)
    self.activation = activation
    # aggregator type: mean/pool/lstm/gcn
    if aggregator_type == 'pool':
        self.fc_pool = nn.Linear(self._in_src_feats, self._in_src_feats)
    if aggregator_type == 'lstm':
        self.lstm = nn.LSTM(self._in_src_feats, self._in_src_feats, batch_first=True)
    if aggregator_type != 'gcn':
        self.fc_self = nn.Linear(self._in_dst_feats, out_feats, bias=bias)
    self.fc_neigh = nn.Linear(self._in_src_feats, out_feats, bias=bias)

There are three aggregation types for aggregating the messages passing to each node, namely, mean, pool, lstm, and gcn. And the end of the above code, the parameters are reset.

GraphSAGELayerConv Forwards Function

The message passing operation have four options considering four aggregation types. Here we take the list type as an example.

elif self._aggre_type == 'lstm':
    graph.srcdata['h'] = feat_src

    if edge_weight is None:
        graph.update_all(fn.copy_src('h', 'm'), self._lstm_reducer)
       graph.update_all(fn.u_mul_e('h', 'edge_weight','m'), self._lstm_reducer)
    h_neigh = graph.dstdata['neigh']

We could find that the above implementation also consider the situation of using the edge_weight.

After the message passing and aggregation of the messages, we finally update the embedding of nodes and make them as the final outputs as

if self._aggre_type == 'gcn':
    rst = self.fc_neigh(h_neigh)
    rst = self.fc_self(h_self) + self.fc_neigh(h_neigh)
# activation
if self.activation is not None:
    rst = self.activation(rst)
# normalization
if self.norm is not None:
    rst = self.norm(rst)